Wednesday, September 29, 2010

T'is the eve of a new . . .

T'is the eve of a new month - October.  This will be a busy month on so many levels; personal, work and others.  The vegetarian festival will start on October 7 and go on for ten days, Hence I willed myself to eat vegetarian food for ten days.  Tens days without any animal flesh of any sort, however I still take eggs and milk.

Hopefully my full time job will be stable enough to so that I could pursue my sideline in peace (and bits and pieces).  It's the sideline that is overwhelming and at the moment, I am not quite sure if my efforts will be successful.  But I really believe that I will be successful enough so that I can pursue other things in life.

Physically, I appear to be in health and well-being, but internally, I my eyesight is failing me - I need to see an ophthalmologist; my neck and shoulder is sore - so sore that I need to see a specialist; and my stomach is too sensitive for my liking.  But, hey, what do you expect from mid-aged person thinking that she's still in her 20s!
I go to the gym 5 times a week and do weights like a body builder.  Serve me right for all this soreness - should learn to take it easy.

So this is the eve of 365 day of tomorrows that I promise to
  • take more photos and post them
  • do yoga and meditation
  • watch less TV and play less games on the net.
And now, let's see how long this will last. . . 5555